1 Jerk Dip + 1 Tall Jerk + 1 Press in Split + 1 Jerk @5-6/10 RPE
1 Jerk Dip + 1 Tall Jerk + 1 Press in Split + 1 Jerk @5-6/10 RPE
1 Jerk Dip + 1 Tall Jerk + 1 Press in Split + 1 Jerk @5-6/10 RPE
*Rest as needed between sets.
**Focus on perfect technique.
5 Push Press @68-70% 1 RM Push Press
5 Push Press @68-70% 1 RM Push Press
5 Push Press @68-70% 1 RM Push Press
5 Push Press @68-70% 1 RM Push Press
5 Push Press @68-70% 1 RM Push Press
10 Double Dumbbell Bent Over Row @7/10 RPE
10 Double Dumbbell Bent Over Row @7/10 RPE
10 Double Dumbbell Bent Over Row @7/10 RPE
10 Double Dumbbell Bent Over Row @7/10 RPE
*Pause for 2 Seconds at the top of each rep.
**Rest as needed between sets.
EMOM 16 Minutes
Minute 1: 200m Run
Minute 2: 15/12 Calorie bike or 12/10 Echo Bike
Minute 3: 30 seconds of Burpee Bar Muscle Ups (OR Burpee Strict Pull Ups)
Minute 4: Rest
EMOM 16 Minutes
Minute 1: 150m Run
Minute 2: 12/10 Cal bike or 9/6 Echo
Minute 3: 30 seconds of Burpee Bar Muscle Ups (OR Burpee Pull Ups)
Minute 4: Rest