10 Cal machine
20. Alternating scorpion stretches
8/side Dumbbell Windmills
Banded 7s
1 min plank hold
Wrist prep
Wednesday: 15- 20 min
Gymnastics Progression: Week 1 Bar Muscle ups
Drill 1: 3 sets
3 Sec hollow hold then 10 Hollow rocks then 3 sec hollow hold
3 Sec arch hold hold then 10 Arch rocks then 3 sec arch hold
3 sets
10 Banded hollow pulldowns
3 sets
5 Jump to hollow to arch drills
Pulling strength:
3x12-15 Banded Pull ups
30 Sec Heavy plate overhead hold (Engage traps while pressing)
Bar muscle up progression - This week our focus is learning to do hollow and arch position properly make sure the your feet is close and toes pointed at all times to engage not only your midline but the core to extremity.
For the pull downs make sure to not bend your arms early as one of the mistakes doing bar muscle ups is early armbend. Visualize hip to bar as you do your hollow pvc pull downs.
Metcon : EMOM X 15
Min 1: 12/10 Cal Row or 10/8 Cal bike
Min 2: 10 Thrusters (75/55)
Min 3: 16-20 Heavy Dumbbell heavy drags