General Warm up:
1 min Machine
15 Pogo hops
10. Banded Goodmornings
5 Bodyweight IYTS
3/side Perfect Stretch
Wrist Mobility prep
Barbell Warm Up: 3 Reps Each
1. Down and up (the shoulder shrug)
2. Elbows high and outside (high pull)
3. 3 Position Muscle Clean + 1 Strict Press (1 Rep each)
4. Power Clean and jerk Build to your starting weight
Barbell Cycling
Every 2:30 min x 5 sets
5 Touch and go clean jerk (Build to heavy)
Scoring: Checkbox
10 Rounds for time (15 min cap)
5 Deadlift (95/65)
5 Push Press
30 Double Unders or 60 singles