10. Cal machine
20 90/90 Switches
10 Cat cows
10/side Firehydrants
10 Seal to downdog
20 wall slides
10/side single arm dumbbell press
30 Banded pull aparts
Burgener clean
Strength :15 min total
Clean% J WK 2 (NEW)
Every E2MOM x 5
5 Pushpress (55-65%1RM)
3 Push Jerk
At the 10th minute mark
For 5 min
1 Rep of Hang power clean and 1 Squat clean every 30 sec @65%1RM Squat clean)
Metcon: (14 min cap)
10 Rounds
6 Toes to bars
3 Burpee box jump
1 Cluster (155/105)