Bench Press
5 Bench Press @ 6-6.5/10 RPE
5 Bench Press @ 6.5-7/10 RPE
4 Bench Press @ 7-7.5/10 RPE
4 Bench Press @ 7.5-8/10 RPE
3 Bench Press @ 8-8.5/10 RPE
3 Bench Press @ 8.5-9/10 RPE
*Rest as needed between sets.
**Score is the Bench Press weight
As many sets as needed: (Max 8 sets)
AMRAP 2 Minutes
2 Rope Climbs
12 Dumbbell Bench (2x50/35)
Max GHD Sit Ups
-no rest b/t sets-
*Continue the pattern until 100 GHD Sit Ups are completed.
As many sets as needed: (Max 8 sets)
AMRAP 2 Minutes
1 Rope Climb
8 Dumbbell Bench (2x50/35)
Max GHD Sit Ups
-no rest b/t sets-
*Continue the pattern until 75 GHD Sit Ups are completed
3 Sets of Barbell Bicep Curl 21s
Each set:
7 reps bottom to half way
7 reps half way to top
7 reps full curl
*Rest as needed between sets.
Single Arm Deficit Pushups
50 Single Arm Deficit Push Up
*25 reps with right hand up on 45lb bumper plate / 30 reps with left hand up on 45lb bumper plate.
**Can scale by using a smaller plate or breaking up into 2 sets on each side.