3 Snatch @ 6/10 RPE
2 Snatch @ 6.5/10 RPE
1 Snatch @ 7/10 RPE
3 Snatch @ 6/10 RPE
2 Snatch @ 6.5/10 RPE
1 Snatch @ 7/10 RPE
1 Snatch @ 7/10 RPE
1 Snatch @ 7/10 RPE
Percentage work
Percentage Work:
2 Minute Max Wall Walks
---rest 2 minutes ---
complete 3 sets of 20% of your 2 minute max Wall Walks
*Score is Max effort in two minutes
2 sets (1 set every 15 minutes)
In a 2:30 Window:
12 Power Snatches (95/65)
60 Double Unders
Max Calorie Echo Bike in the time remaining
-rest from 2:30 to 15:00-
*Perform @ 95% effort (just shy of all-out effort)
**Ideally everything is unbroken and fast!
2 sets (1 set every 15 minutes)
In a 2:30 Window:
12 Power Snatches (75/55)
48 Double Unders
Max Calorie Echo Bike in the time remaining
-rest from 2:30 to 15:00-
*Perform @ 95% effort (just shy of all-out effort)
**Ideally everything is unbroken and fast!
0:00- 2:30 Complete power snatch, double unders and in time remaining max calorie bike
2:30-15:00 REST (yes, that is a long rest....that's because this should be a SPRINT)
15:00 - 17:30 repeat for set 2
17:30 DONE