21-15-9 (8 min cap each set)
Deadlift (225/155)
Bar Facing Burpee
-Rest 1:1-
Hang Power Clean (155/105)
Burpee Box Jump Over
-Rest 1:1-
Thrusters (135/95)
Burpee Bar Muscle Up
Scaled: (8 min cap each set)
Deadlift (225/155)
Bar Facing Burpee
-Rest 1:1-
Hang Power Clean (155/105)
Burpee Box Jump Over (24/20)
-Rest 1:1-
Thrusters (135/95)
Burpee Bar Muscle Up
Wave 1
1 Power Clean @65% 1RM Power Clean
1 Power Clean @70% 1RM Power Clean
1 Power Clean @75% 1RM Power Clean
Wave 2
1 Power Clean @70% 1RM Power Clean
1 Power Clean @75% 1RM Power Clean
1 Power Clean @80% 1RM Power Clean
Wave 3
1 Power Clean @75% 1RM Power Clean
1 Power Clean @80% 1RM Power Clean
1 Power Clean @85% 1RM Power Clean
Wave 4
1 Power Clean @80% 1RM Power Clean
1 Power Clean @75% 1RM Power Clean
1 Power Clean @70% 1RM Power Clean
*Rest as needed between waves.
**These waves are all about perfect technique. Note how the percentages go down the last three sets. This is to work speed and fine tune technique to end with perfect sets.
4-5 Sets
5 Deadlift + 30 Second Hold after last rep + 5 Deadlift @8-8.5/10 RPE
*Rest as needed in between sets.
Back Squats:
4-5 Sets
60 Second Back Squat Squat Hold (Every 10 seconds do 1 Back Squat) @7-8/10 RPE
*Rest as needed between sets
**Barbell stays on your back for entire set.
3 Sets
7-10 Nordic Hamstring Curls
30 Standing Banded Ab Crunch (Squeeze at the bottom of each rep and control on the way up)
45 Sec Double Dumbbell Hold Wall Sit (Hold the dumbbells in a farmer carry position) straight into 5 Double Dumbbell Jump Squat (Jump as high as you can. Try and get a little heavier than last time you did these)