LA Class: Sept 29, 2023Louie Fredric ChuaquicoSep 28, 20231 min read 3 rounds 10 90/90 10/side weighted deadbugs10 Spanish Squats with band 1 min plank Scoring: Checkbox MOVE FOR THE NEXT 30 min Amrap 30 min 500m Row 20/15 Cal Bike 15 V-ups 10 Burpees Scoring: Checkbox
3 rounds 10 90/90 10/side weighted deadbugs10 Spanish Squats with band 1 min plank Scoring: Checkbox MOVE FOR THE NEXT 30 min Amrap 30 min 500m Row 20/15 Cal Bike 15 V-ups 10 Burpees Scoring: Checkbox
LA Class Feb 11, 2024Warm-up: 2nd Floor Run 20 90/90 hip stretch 10 Cat cows 5/side WGS 1 Round 20 Banded pull aparts 10 Push ups Wrist prep (Burgener Cleans)...
Hyrox Class Feb 11, 2024Basic Prehab/Activation 2 min machine 10 Passthrus 10 Dislocates per side 90/90 Hipswitch 10 Cat cows 10 Scapula Pushups 20 Plank...
Kamp Lokal Feb 11, 2024Metcon 5 sets (1 set every 3 minutes): 9 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95) 15 Bar Facing Burpees 21 Toes to Bar (must be done in sets of 7+)...