10. Cal machine
20 90/90 Switches
10. Cat cows
20. Alternating dead bugs
10. PVC Passthrus
10. Dislocates
10. ohs
5/side Perfect Stretch
10. IYTS
Banded 7s
:7 Sets (1 set every 2 minutes 30 seconds)
1 Front Squat + 1 Pause Front Squat + 1 Front Squat
*Start around 70-75% and build from there. No failed reps.
**Pause Front Squat is 3-second pause at the bottom.
Metcon: 5 Rounds for time (15 min cap)
15/12 Cal row Or 12/10 Cal bike Or 200m/150m Air Runner
50 Double unders
5 Double dumbbell hang squat clean (50/35)
*scaled x2 singles