10. Cal machine
20 90/90 Switches
10/side fire hydrants
10. Medball Lunges
10, Medball Squats
10. Sprawls
20 sec dead hang
Banded 7s
Strength: EMOM x 12
Min 1: 2 Rope climbs or 10 Ring rows
Min 2: 50FT Handstand walks Or 2 Clockwise and 2 Counterclockwise (BOX AROUND THE WORLDS or 125FT bear crawls
Min 3: Max Calorie Bike in 40 sec
Partner workout (1 working at a time)
20 min cap
2000m/1600m Row
200 Double unders or 600 Singles
100 Wallballs (20/14)
80 Shoulder to overhead (135/95)